G.I.E.'s Conversation Corner

Introducing G.I.E. Expressions: Apparel & Fashion


Introducing G.I.E. Expressions: Apparel & Fashion

Welcome to my apparel site (one of many "G.I.E. Expression" endeavors)! "G.I.E." is an acronym from my name, "Angelina" which stands for: "Genuine Intellectual Empowerment".   The slogan for my apparel store is: "Self Expression Empowered" In a nut shell, the purpose for my particular line is to offer quality gear to be worn in support of pertinent matters in existence among us, rather those matters directly affect us or not. "G.I.E.'s" personal collection is to specifically bring awareness to everyday matters and the people that are affected while creating unity through empowerment.  This brand is unique in a sense where, not only are...

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