Introducing G.I.E. Expressions: Apparel & Fashion


Welcome to my apparel site (one of many "G.I.E. Expression" endeavors)!

"G.I.E." is an acronym from my name, "Angelina" which stands for: "Genuine Intellectual Empowerment".  

The slogan for my apparel store is: "Self Expression Empowered"

In a nut shell, the purpose for my particular line is to offer quality gear to be worn in support of pertinent matters in existence among us, rather those matters directly affect us or not. "G.I.E.'s" personal collection is to specifically bring awareness to everyday matters and the people that are affected while creating unity through empowerment. 

This brand is unique in a sense where, not only are you purchasing quality merchandise, but in some instances (such as the "Be Aware" line, the proceeds will be set aside to empower individuals on a personal level in various communities as we expand with growth through support.  In addition, since the core of the mission  and vision is "empowerment".  We want to not only meet your needs, purchase wise, but also connect with you on a more intimate level, Simply put, signing up as a member means you are not only a customer but friends and even family as well! That means you are first and even preferred to receive special discounts and perks simply by signing up!

And here comes that "but wait..." line, but it is quite relevant!. Another unique tool that is offered is this very blog; where empowerment also takes place through education and shared knowledge! As you look through my merchandise, you will see I take advantage of the use of acronyms (I LOVE words!). I also share information in my blogs that offer deeper understanding of what we choose to not only wear but also support, without thought. 

If there is an item that you like and do not see it in your preferred style, size or color, a simple email may solve a simple dilemma. We also offer fulfillment of customized requests, even in bulk orders. 

Business wise, there is certainly a goal for financial gain. Yet, more importantly, there is a higher ambition to make connections that make change! So, while you will never be pressed to support, you are certainly encouraged to. The concept of "G.I.E." is certainly empowered by the vision to see that each individual meets their personal goals and feels supported and valued in doing so!

Subscribe to my site and stay tuned for more interacted knowledge! 

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