What Is "Code" B.L.A.C.K."?


"Code B.L.A.C.K.: Bold Leadership Advancing Cultural Knowledge"

I have trademarked this term for a simple purpose. Rather one is aware, or otherwise, the reference of "Black"  or "White" does not pertain to ethnicity or race, but rather status

Some have heard the reference of "acting Black" (or otherwise) or phrase "all Black folk ain't Kin folk".

I simply coined this phrase to specifically identify those that have identified as "Black", "African-American", "Negro", or similar and are adherent to understanding and honoring their true roots and heritage. "B.L.A.C.K." is specifically in reference to those that live by the Code of this powerful acronym.  

Bold: beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action. Necessitating courage; daring. Not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff. 

Leadership: the position or function of a leader; a person who guides or directs a group. Ability to lead (to go before or with to show the way. To conduct by holding and guiding. To influence or induce; cause. To guide in direction, course, action, opinion; bring). An act or instance of leading. (***Note: I chose the term "leadership" vs "leader" because there are many "leaders that are in place that do not display "leadership" characteristics. "Leadership" is an action, not a position).

Advancing: to move or bring forth. To bring into consideration or notice; suggest; propose. To improve; further. To raise in rank; promote.

Cultural: the shared beliefs, behaviors, or social environment connected with a a particular aspect of society. A particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period. Development or improvement of the mind by educating or training. 

Knowledge: acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation. The fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension. 

 This is the background and inspiration of not only this Brand, but more importantly, a new and empowering concept. Future conversations are not limited to this people group alone because, again, the ambition of G.I.E. Expressions is to empower and unite us ALL!

Subscribe for a direct connection to deeper discussions on B.L.A.C.K. empowerment and unity, further uniting humanity as a whole through knowledge, truth and understanding! 


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